

CVESD's LEAD Hub program, in partnership with the San Diego County YMCA, provides free before and after school programs at all district schools. Previously known as STRETCH and DASH, LEAD Hub aims to create a safe, supportive environment where children can learn, grow, and thrive. The program combines recreation, tutoring, and enrichment activities. LEAD Hub is free for CVESD students in transitional kindergarten through sixth grade. LEAD Hub will be on the 180-day calendar. The hours will vary by school site and depend on the school’s start and end times.

*Before school programs are not offered at every school site.

El programa LEAD Hub de CVESD, en asociación con la YMCA del condado de San Diego, ofrece programas gratuitos antes y después de clases en todas las escuelas del distrito. LEAD Hub, anteriormente conocido como STRETCH y DASH, tiene como objetivo crear un entorno seguro y de apoyo donde los niños puedan aprender, crecer y prosperar. El programa combina recreación, tutoría y actividades de enriquecimiento. LEAD Hub es gratuito para los estudiantes de CVESD desde Kínder de transición hasta sexto grado. LEAD Hub estará en el calendario de 180 días. El horario variará según el plantel escolar y dependerá de los horarios de entrada y salida del plantel escolar.

*Los programas antes de clases no se ofrecen en todas las escuelas.

Registration / Registro

All students will be added to the waitlist at the time of registration submission. Once applications have been reviewed, you will be notified by email if your student will remain on the waitlist or has been accepted into the program.

Todos los estudiantes serán agregados a la lista de espera en el momento de enviar la inscripción. Una vez que se hayan revisado las solicitudes, se le notificará por correo electrónico si su estudiante permanecerá en la lista de espera o si ha sido aceptado en el programa.


Program Action

LEAD Hub 2024-2025 After School

Express register

LEAD Clubs

LEAD Clubs are offered at all CVESD schools. They offer a variety of educational and enrichment offerings that vary by school site. Examples of LEAD Clubs may include academic support, robotics, music, sports, and more. Students participating in the LEAD Clubs learn new skills and interact with peers in a physically and emotionally safe environment. Operating days and hours will vary by school site.

Los clubes LEAD se ofrecen en todas las escuelas de CVESD. Ofrecen una variedad de ofertas educativas y de enriquecimiento que varían según el plantel escolar. Ejemplos de un Club pueden incluir apoyo académico, robótica, música, deportes y más. Los estudiantes que participan en los Clubes LEAD aprenden nuevas habilidades e interactúan con sus compañeros en un ambiente físico y emocionalmente seguro. Los días y horarios de funcionamiento variarán según el plantel escolar.

Registration / Registro

Quarter Three LEAD Clubs

Q3 Watercolor Explorations

Allow your student to unleash their inner artist. Watercolor exploration provides space for students to start with a blank canvas and end with one of a kind works of art. This club meets every Friday from 2:30 to 4:00 PM and is open to third, fourth, fifth and sixth graders. Enroll your student today! 

Express register

Q3 Dance Club

Dancing is an excellent way for students to remain physically fit while having fun and being creative. The Dance Club meets on Mondays from 3:30 to 4:30 PM and is the perfect way for students to get their bodies moving and start their weeks. This club is open to fourth through sixth grade. Register your dancer for Dance Club today! 

Express register

Q3 Science Exploration

Allow your student to delve into the wonderful world of science. Scientific Explorations is a club dedicated to learning more about science through hands-on experiences and interactive lessons. The club is open to fourth through sixth graders and meets every Friday from 2:15 to 3:30 PM.

Express register

Q3 Rainbow Chefs Jr

Rainbow Chefs Academy brings wellness education to the classroom and teaches students academic cooking skills through detailed lessons. In this club, students will experience hands-on learning as they are guided by their instructor on how to make delicious recipes. All ingredients and supplies are provided through Rainbow Chefs Academy. All your child will need to bring is energy and enthusiasm!  

Allow your student to experience the joy of cooking while learning the importance of a healthy and balanced diet by registering them for Rainbow Chefs today! TK through second grade meets on Tuesday's from 3:15 to 5:00 PM.

Express register

Q3 Rainbow Chefs

Rainbow Chefs Academy brings wellness education to the classroom and teaches students academic cooking skills through detailed lessons. In this club, students will experience hands-on learning as they are guided by their instructor on how to make delicious recipes. All ingredients and supplies are provided through Rainbow Chefs Academy. All your child will need to bring is energy and enthusiasm!  

Allow your student to experience the joy of cooking while learning the importance of a healthy and balanced diet by registering them for Rainbow Chefs today! Third through sixth graders meet on Thursday's from 3:15 to 5:00 PM.

Express register

Q3 Chess Club

Chess Club is the perfect place for students to socialize and enjoy the game of chess. The club meets Tuesday and Thursday from 3:30 to 4:30 PM. Enroll your student today!

Express register

Q3 6th Grade Math Tutoring

Does your sixth grader need support in developing their mathematic skills? If so, the 6th Grade Math Tutoring club is just the place for them. This club allows students to work alongside their teacher and peers to approach mastery in mathematics and prepare for the next step in their academic journey. This club will meet on Tuesday's and Thursday's from 3:15 to 4:15 PM. Tuesday will be dedicated to review and practice of standards taught previously and Thursday will be dedicated to practicing current standards.

Express register

Q1/Q2/Q3 LEGO Club

Playing with Legos allows students to think creatively, work collaboratively with their peers, and solve problems, all while channeling their uniqueness and creativity. Legos have also been proven to assist in the development of spatial awareness and fine motor skills. This club provides students with the space to socialize, have fun and express their creativity through the usage of Lego blocks! 

Lego Club is open to students in Kinder through sixth grade and meets on Monday's from 3:15 to 4:45 PM. Register your student today! 

Express register

FY Disney Club

Allow your students to experience the magic of Disney by enrolling in Disney Club. Students will engage in Disney-related activities while having fun and socializing with their peers. This club is open to students in second to fourth grade and meets on Wednesday's from 3:15 to 5:00 PM.  

Express register

FY Run Club

What better way to start the day than with some exercise? Run Club meets daily before school from 7:30 to 8:45 AM and is open to all grade levels. Students can start their school day on the right foot as they move their feet and have fun with their peers! Register your student today.  

Express register

Q3 5th Grade Math Tutoring

Does your fifth grader need support in developing their mathematic skills? The 5th Grade Math Tutoring club is just the place for them. This club allows students to work alongside their teacher and peers to approach mastery in mathematics. This club meets every Wednesday from 3:15 to 4:15 PM.

Express register

Q3 5th Grade ELA Tutoring

Does your fifth grader need support in developing their English language arts related skills? The 5th Grade ELA Tutoring club is just the place for them. This club provides a space for students to work alongside their teacher and peers to approach mastery in this subject. This club meets every Monday from 3:15 to 4:15 PM. 

Express register

FY Harry Potter Club

Allow your student to enter the wizarding world of Harry Potter though the Harry Potter club. This club allows students to delve into the beloved franchise and nurture their imaginations. This club is open to fourth through sixth and meets on Tuesday's from 3:15 to 4:15 PM. Register your student today for some magical fun! 

Express register

Q3 IReady Club

IReady Club is ran with the purpose of providing support for the development of computer skills that will allow Kindergarten students to excel at IReady. The club meets on each Monday and Tuesday from 3:00 to 3:45 PM. 

Express register

Scholar Club

Scholar Club is a space provided for Kinder students to receive academic support. The club allows students to continue developing the skills that they need to succeed as they embark on their educational journeys. Scholar Club meets every Wednesday and Thursday from 3:00 to 3:45 PM.

Express register

Q3 6th Grade ELA Tutoring

Does your student need support in English Language Arts? If so, 6th Grade ELA Tutoring meets every Monday and Wednesday from 3:15 to 4:15 PM and is the ideal spot for your student to receive academic support from their teacher alongside their peers. 

Express register